If hypnotherapy was your first choice for resolving problems instead of using medication, alcohol, food, busyness, or any other avoid-distract tactics, you would be pleasantly surprised.
Hypnotherapy is quick and effective!

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Hypnosis power words are words or phrases that are used by hypnotists to induce a state of trance or suggestibility in a person.

These words can help to bypass the critical thinking of the conscious mind and tap into the subconscious mind, which can be more receptive to suggestion.

Here are some examples of common hypnosis power words:

“Relax” – This word is often used to help a person relax their body and mind, which can make them more open to suggestion.

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Hypnosis vs Meditation

Both hypnosis and meditation are deeply relaxing, calming activities that create a positive state of being and peace of mind.

What are the differences, and which is best for you?
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Self-hypnosis helps mitigate limiting thoughts that cause anxiety. All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis.

Most self-hypnosis is comprised of positive affirmations used in a way that focuses the conscious mind on a positive thought or outcome, for example, “Every day, I am productive at work.” This form of self-hypnosis is autosuggestion. Practice this for minutes every day with your eyes closed and envision what it would be like for you to be productive. Define it to your specifications.
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Long-Term Results With Hypnosis

When conducted properly, hypnosis can provide long-term results.

You should not expect to receive guarantees however. If you do find a guaranteed offer, dig deeper before proceeding.

Hypnosis, particularly 5 PATH hypnosis, is structured to create powerful root-cause shifts, designed to relocate problems to your rear-view mirror.
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Hypnosis feels differently to everyone.

People generally feel very relaxed, alert, and safe. Some people feel light and floaty while others feel nothing at all.

Hypnosis is not sleep. It’s a state of focused attention and you are awake in both Alpha and Theta-wave states.
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Benefits of self hypnosis

Self hypnosis is all about intention and focus.

When you intend to take yourself into self-hypnosis, you will!

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Give yourself a suggestion anytime you want!

I often recommend to my clients however, that they practice their hypnotic suggestions upon awakening and just prior to closing their eyes at bedtime, plus one other time. This is called self-hypnosis and I always teach my clients how to use this technique, known as 7th Path. It is a combination of affirmation, prayer and meditation and works with any belief system.

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Relax with self-hypnosis

Do You Use Self-Hypnosis?

I use it all the time and teach it to every client.

When you are in self-hypnosis, negative thoughts are replaced by positive suggestions.

This is an empowered state of being that conditions and retrains your brain to create new neural pathways, which support new behavioral patterns. Translation: It’s easier to form new habits and eliminate unwanted behaviors.

When you spend a few minutes a day focusing on self-hypnosis, you will feel calm, centered and relaxed. No need to spend an hour in meditation. Just trying to calm your mind can be irritating.

Self-hypnosis has the effect of neutralizing internal stress. It’s the internal or unconscious stress that often drives unwanted behaviors. Self-hypnosis refocuses the brain on positive thoughts, which immediately improves health factors such as blood pressure, sleep improvement and pain reduction.

Self-hypnosis does not “heal” anything, but due to its stress reduction properties, you may experience physical improvement in headaches, muscle pain, digestive issues and mood.

Best of all, self-hypnosis is portable – it goes wherever you go and when you practice this skill set for just a few minutes a day, the results will amaze you!