Hypnosis Frees Us From Trauma

Hypnosis certainly frees us from trauma.

Hypnosis guides us to original causes of trauma, especially in this lifetime and can facilitate previous life trauma resolution as well.
Past trauma causes an imprint upon both the personality as well as the soul. Traumas, due to their difficult nature, often remain hidden in the subconscious mind where they hide out but continue to drive our thoughts and behaviors.
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It is typical to recall more than one past life using hypnosis.

Our subconscious minds are fluid and graphical, which means that information is stored very differently than in the conscious mind. Past life scenes can easily flow from one to the next.
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Hypnotherapy purges panic attacks

Hypnotherapy is a fantastic modality for purging panic attacks and anxiety.

Panic attacks are a more extreme form of anxiety and seem to interrupt life unexpectedly, often causing severe disruption and even embarrassment, depending on where they show up.

Both anxiety and panic attacks can be triggered by innocuous events. Those events could be common stressors such as job changes, a school project, or an argument with your significant other or family member.

Maybe the trigger is unique to you, based upon your history.
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Recall & Heal Trauma

Question: “Can hypnosis help me recall trauma from my past?”

As the saying goes, “Anything is possible”.

Forensic hypnosis is designed to help people use their subconscious mind to recall criminal events with greater accuracy than the conscious mind alone can do. The conscious mind can only hold 7–9 bits of information and the rest goes into our perpetual archive called the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is unlimited in its potential to store information.
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Past Life Regression Heals Troubling Life Patterns

Past Life Regression (PLR) can quickly dissolve being stuck in persistent thoughts and behaviors.

PLR can occur:
• In a PLR workshop
• By spontaneously emerging in individual regression work
• Clients may request a PLR, or
• It may be an intention to work on a specific PLR within the session to resolve current life issues

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Hypnosis works well to improve motivation and resolve the real cause of the problem.

In many cases, motivation is blocked by conscious fears, which we call anxiety. An example might be, “It makes me nervous to socialize with people I don’t know well” (because I’m overweight and self-conscious).

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Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a highly stigmatized condition. If we reframe BPD as complex response to trauma, then we suddenly realize how hypnosis might be an optimistic intervention.

Hypnosis helps people resolve the root of trauma, so there’s hopefulness for BPD sufferers, 75% of whom are female.
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trauma and anxiety

Hypnosis can help many with psychological symptoms, including trauma and anxiety.

Anxiety refers to a real or perceived threat. Our perception of being under threat causes stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol, to be released into the brain.
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