Peace of Mind

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), almost 20% of American adults suffered from anxiety in 2024!

Hypnosis offers a natural and effective way to eliminate anxiety by realigning the limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind.

You can dissolve the root cause of sleepless nights, emotional eating, overwhelming thoughts, and more…
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Stress Relief

Many people are experiencing a combination of post-election nerves, heightened worry, holiday stressors, economic pinch and in general, adapting to a new normal.
If your stress and worry are reaching proportions where you want professional tools to help get you some relief, Northwest Hypnosis Center has options for you.
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If hypnotherapy was your first choice for resolving problems instead of using medication, alcohol, food, busyness, or any other avoid-distract tactics, you would be pleasantly surprised.
Hypnotherapy is quick and effective!

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Hypnosis power words are words or phrases that are used by hypnotists to induce a state of trance or suggestibility in a person.

These words can help to bypass the critical thinking of the conscious mind and tap into the subconscious mind, which can be more receptive to suggestion.

Here are some examples of common hypnosis power words:

“Relax” – This word is often used to help a person relax their body and mind, which can make them more open to suggestion.

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Hypnosis Connects You To Real Power

SPIRITUAL BY-PASSING represents the use of spirituality to escape the denser expression of emotions, attachments, and wounds by using spiritual rationalization.

Are you using spirituality to avoid shame, anger, trauma, or fear?

Are you turning away from knowing about world events because it’s “too crazy” or too negative?
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Feel trust again.

Has the pandemic blown out your feelings of trust? Has a surge of events short-circuited your self-confidence? Are you experiencing life without a sense of satisfactory self-management?
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Habit Change

… Using hypnosis.


Because hypnosis rewires the subconscious mind and that’s where behavioral change takes place.
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A client recently voiced what I’d always thought, but never expressed – that her Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Disorder was the result of having a perpetual argument or standoff within yourself.

She became aware of these dynamics after a session in which she realized that one part of her wanted something to occur that the other part of her dreaded. It was an ongoing battle which left her exhausted.

Her body was manifesting the irritation as inflammation, which would subside when she released energy through various self-care methods.
It wasn’t until she decided to use hypnosis that the core tug-of-war revealed itself. Over the course of five sessions, we worked through the conflict at a bottom-line level – where the problem initially began.
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Confidence comes from inner clarity.

The clients I work with often come to me with confusion, but through a series of five sessions, they become clear, going from 2 on a 10 scale of confidence to 9.5 on a 10 scale of confidence – just in those five sessions.

Imagine struggling for decades with confidence issues, coming to see me for a month, and then walking out rewired in a sustainable way that lets you address life the way you always imagined. That’s pretty amazing!
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