Relax with self-hypnosis

Everyday Self-Hypnosis

Do You Use Self-Hypnosis?

I use it all the time and teach it to every client.

When you are in self-hypnosis, negative thoughts are replaced by positive suggestions.

This is an empowered state of being that conditions and retrains your brain to create new neural pathways, which support new behavioral patterns. Translation: It’s easier to form new habits and eliminate unwanted behaviors.

When you spend a few minutes a day focusing on self-hypnosis, you will feel calm, centered and relaxed. No need to spend an hour in meditation. Just trying to calm your mind can be irritating.

Self-hypnosis has the effect of neutralizing internal stress. It’s the internal or unconscious stress that often drives unwanted behaviors. Self-hypnosis refocuses the brain on positive thoughts, which immediately improves health factors such as blood pressure, sleep improvement and pain reduction.

Self-hypnosis does not “heal” anything, but due to its stress reduction properties, you may experience physical improvement in headaches, muscle pain, digestive issues and mood.

Best of all, self-hypnosis is portable – it goes wherever you go and when you practice this skill set for just a few minutes a day, the results will amaze you!


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