
True Stories – Trust Again

Feel trust again.

Has the pandemic blown out your feelings of trust? Has a surge of events short-circuited your self-confidence? Are you experiencing life without a sense of satisfactory self-management?

My client Lucy (not her real name) is in a long-term marriage, but she was struggling. Both she and her husband had difficult childhoods, including drug addictions that they overcame, but were still coping with unwanted behaviors. Lucy was anxious and an emotional eater. Her husband Rob (not his real name) had not slept more than 3-4 hours in over 20 years!

They felt shaky and fragile. Rob was also slogging his way through depression.

Lucy came to see me first, for weight loss. She had long since given up hope of maintaining her weight without extraordinary effort, which left her exhausted and edgy.

We set up a strategy plan and in the very first session, she felt relief. Lucy experienced powerful breakthroughs every time we met.

She could see the spark of possibility returning to her life but was afraid to really trust it due to fear of failure, fear of the past, fear of the future. She was feeling stuck; all because she lost her self-trust. That was her blown circuit.

We completed four more sessions and what emerged was truly heartwarming. She began to recover herself; her confidence rose, and she lost weight effortlessly. She found her voice and began to assert herself at work. She requested a team reassignment, and switched from night shift to day shift. Her anxiety diminished, then, extinguished. She began to believe in herself for the very first time. She looked radiant. She sounded confident.

Lucy believed that Rob could benefit from sessions, so she urged him to try. He arrived as a skeptic, but with an open mind.

By the third session, he was sleeping a full 8 hours and tossed out his medication. (After consulting with his prescriber). He was a new man. He looked refreshed, his thinking was clear, and he began to lose weight due to greater energy levels and increased activity.

Rob’s work life enhanced; he became more productive with less effort and his supervisors were thrilled. He was able to envision life beyond a workday, so he and Lucy began to plan. They are now anticipating buying their very first home together.

Imagine what would your life would be like if your trusted yourself again or for the very first time?

• How will you feel when you regenerate yourself?
• How will you feel by achieving an important goal?
• What will you feel like when you tell a new story and communicate with confidence?
• What if you could trust yourself to love?

I’ll help you find your spark. Reconnect to your generator. Empower you to manage your life. Feel alive.

That’s my job, my passion, and my purpose. What’s yours?

Go to Northwest Hypnosis Center or call 360-840-1075 for a complimentary consultation.


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