Discover deeper meaning with

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression or PLR uses hypnosis to recover memories of past lives or incarnations. It has been a viable technology for centuries, and can address current life issues, particularly unsolved, repetitive thought or behavioral patterns.

Past Life Regression (PLR) explores an individual's previous incarnations or lifelines as perceived through their subconscious mind.

The information gained in PLR is often used to address present-day patterns, themes and traumas that the individual carries with them that are still unresolved. These patterns can demonstrate themselves as:

  • Recurring dreams or nightmares
  • Unexplained anxiety
  • Sudden changes in life direction or unexplained reactions

Hypnosis makes it easy to bridge the gap between past and present because hypnosis works with the subconscious mind, which is where we store all our experiences.  

The use of PLR can help people resolve:

  • Emotional Patterns: Uncover and resolve fears, phobias, or emotional blocks that lack an apparent cause in the present life
  • Relieve Physical Symptoms: Alleviate unexplained physical ailments that may have roots in past-life trauma
  • Promote Healing: Provide closure or forgiveness toward unresolved relationships or experiences

Historical Background

The concept of past lives has been integral to many religious and spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Modern PLR gained popularity through the work of psychiatrists like Dr. Brian Weiss, whose book Many Lives, Many Masters brought widespread attention to the practice in the 1980s.

In 2009, a book called Soul Survivor was released, based on the real-life story of James Huston, a WWII pilot.  

James Leininger was two years old when he began having nightmares. His parents took him to multiple doctors and after conducting their own research, it was revealed that young James had previously been James Huston, a WWII pilot who died in the crash of his plane.

Case Study:  

Dr. Annie Alexander has conducted hundreds of PLR sessions, and in almost every case, the information discovered by the client has resulted in the elimination of an unwanted pattern or symptom.

In one case, Dr. Alexander worked with a 30-year-old man who desired to resolve chronic stomach aches and anxiety which had been plaguing him since childhood.

While in session, the man discovered that he had been a soldier in the US Civil War. He was shot in the stomach and died on the battlefield. He left behind his wife and two little girls.

In hypnosis, the man expressed regrets about not being able to return to his family during the Civil War, and this traumatic event remained embedded in his subconscious mind, unresolved, and showing up in his present life as crippling anxiety and guilt.

After hypnotherapy, the man noted that his stomach issues cleared up immediately and never returned – not even 5 years later.  

Prior to hypnotherapy, the man had been unable to sustain a relationship beyond a year due to an unconscious fear of loss. At this writing, he has been happily in partnership for more than 6 years.

Discover your Soul’s Intentions for this lifetime plus themes from previous lives

Past Life Regression, Pre-Life Planning © & Karmic Issues

Past Life Regression is a Journey Back in Time

Discover the experiences that have created your footprint today. Your life is a continuation of many experiences culminating in who you have become in this present moment.

Pre-Life Planning ©

Connect with your Soul self through this life-between-lives process and integrate the knowledge into your present-day life.

Karmic Issues

98% of our karma is unhealed trauma, which is why the term karma has developed many negative connotations. Heal the trauma and experience more balanced and positive karma

Board Certified Hypnosis Professional


  • strong, repetitive likes & dislikes

    Not directly connected to experiences you can remember

  • chronic body pain

    Physical trauma often moves forward from one lifetime to the next

  • repetitive dreams or memories

    Dreams could be disturbing or memories might feel intrusive

  • Unexplained Feelings of Guilt, Sadness, Fear

    Belief or sensation that you’ve done something wrong; have unexplained grief or think that something bad might happen

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“People who access higher realms through near death experiences, ethereal encounters, focused attention, or even meditation, often have a sudden insight or a-ha moment. All doorways lead to the same place, which is a transcendent recognition that our true nature is spiritual not physical.”