For your mind, body & spirit


Our conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg. It's guarded.

Our subconscious mind is receptive. It's willing to make changes.

problems, challenges or issues

Have you ever experienced these problems, challenges or issues?

Fears or anxieties can range from low-level background irritations to full blown panic attacks.

Anxiety can also take the form of irrational fears, compulsive habits or just feeling stuck.

Hypnosis helps you to develop positive mental attitudes and manage situational stress.

Hypnosis goes below the surface of your conscious awareness to identify what is making you feel unsafe.

This could be early life events or even deeply held beliefs, which are now surfacing as anxiety.

Hypnosis neutralizes these earlier events or beliefs without changing the reality of what happened. This allows you to perceive situations differently and thus feel relief!

No one in this world escapes fear, but everyone can reconsider its causes and learn to evaluate them correctly

This is a form of anxiety that causes annoyance, guilt, and sometimes major disruptions.

Procrastination is generally fear-based and when we procrastinate, we resist our own growth.

Hypnosis helps identify the cause and neutralizes the obstacles so that you are empowered to act.

Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy – Wayne Gretzky

Compulsions, cravings and conditioning make us feel out control and hypnosis helps you regain self-control.

These kinds of behaviors distract us and can be described by the use of alcohol, smoking, or food for example.

It is your mind’s solution to make you feel better, but can have devastating effects on your life.

Hypnosis helps you recognize how compulsions are simply the mind and body’s attempt to cope with unresolved feelings.

Hypnosis guides you into neutralizing old pain so you can eliminate the compulsive behavior.

People who have never had an addiction don’t understand how hard it can be – Payne Stewart

When we are chronically unsure or uncertain, the cause is usually rooted in childhood.

Lack of confidence can stem from innumerable causes such as negative parental messages to thinking you may not be loveable or deserving.

Confidence is not, “They will like me”. Confidence is: “I’ll be fine if they don’t” – Christina Grimmie

Much of trauma happens early in our lives abuse, neglect and/or dysfunction. Trauma is reinforced with life’s inevitable challenges as well as seemingly common events such as romantic breakups, beginning school, job changes or even casual criticism.

Trauma can be caused by many things such as betrayal, accidents, abuse, natural disasters, death, or being a passive witness to acts of violence. It can have lasting effects on your mental, physical, and emotional health.

You could experience symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and isolation. Trauma also shows up as “triggers” , which can be related to a certain sight, sound or smell.

A trigger could also be an interaction with someone such as a relationship partner, a family member or even an authority figure. If we experience something that triggers the original event(s), but don’t consciously remember it, it can cause us to relive the traumatic experience all over again and feel out of control.

Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence – Peter Levine

Feeling awkward or overly shy?

Introverted or just quiet?

Social difficulty or social anxiety is usually caused by a fear of not feeling good enough or being humiliated by others.

Early bullying or negative messaging can often lead to social awkwardness.

Hypnosis lasers in on the problem and eliminates it at the original source, freeing you to express yourself authentically!

I’ve learned to sustain myself by holding on to the integrity of who I am – Crystal Waters

Being triggered by something or someone into a reaction that is overblown – more than the situation calls for.

Over reacting is usually related to a need to protect oneself; thus you may feel overly defensive. Your character, ethics, judgment or behavior may feel under attack and it may seem necessary to stand up and fight for yourself.

Using hypnosis, you can navigate to the original set of conditions that caused you to become defensive and release those factors so that you can manage yourself with integrity, groundedness and calm assurance.

We all have a dark side. Most of us go through life avoiding direct confrontation with that aspect of ourselves, which I call the shadow self. There’s a reason why. It carries a great deal of energy – Lorraine Toussaint

Using food to feel better, safer or more secure.

Food is one way that we can immediately feel a sense of relief from inner pain or cognitive discomfort. Food is the universal pacifier, but when the use of food or snacking becomes a replacement for dealing with uncomfortable emotions, then it’s easy to develop an unwanted habit pattern.

Hypnosis helps you relax and explore how food became a “temporary solution” for your discomfort. You can then unhook yourself from food as the solution and utilize your new coping skills to manage whatever issue you are facing.

I don’t stop eating when I’m full. The meal isn’t over when I’m full. It’s over when I hate myself – Louis C. K.

Concerns about being intimate or close often stem from lack of trust. It can also occur when you feel inadequate, insufficient or unloveable.

Being close to another human being requires a level of trust. When our trust has been broken or manipulated, we become hesitant. Over time, this hesitancy can even become an aversion to the very person that you DO want to be close to.

Fear of being hurt, deceived, made fun, not being enough or not being heard, are often the source of the problem.

Hypnosis reveals the original set of circumstances where your fears developed. We will then resolve the dilemma, which allows you to redevelop your sense of empowerment and choose, when and how to be close or intimate.

Fear is the great enemy of intimacy. Fear makes us run away from each other or cling to each other but does not create true intimacy – Henri Nouwen

Difficulty sustaining optimism can be caused by forgotten events that originally made you feel angry, afraid or sad.

These irritations are often repressed by our mind because we don’t know how to solve the problem. This can lead to frustration or even depression as we try and fail.

Hypnosis can help you to identify the root cause of irritation that reframes those original thoughts. You will feel more optimistic and empowered.

Research has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy – Marilu Henner

Concerns about abandonment or maybe not feeling safe to express your authentic self.

Fear of rejection is very common in today’s society. It can originate in many ways, such as:

– Receiving conditional messages in childhood.
– Believing that you are not good enough or perhaps inadequate.
– Concerns that unless you behave as others wish you to behave, that you will be alienated.

Hypnosis helps you to hone in on your specific circumstances and resolve the issue with appropriate and accurate information that you didn’t have available to you in the original situation. This changes the way that you perceive yourself and frees you to feel safer, more capable and more loveable.

Sometimes I feel my whole life has been one big rejection – Marilyn Monroe

Difficulty setting boundaries, saying “no”, avoiding confrontation, negotiations or wanting to please others.

Stress is most often, a perceptual issue, meaning: The meaning that you give to a situation, will determine how you feel about it.

What is stressful to one person might not be stressful to another.

Hypnosis helps you define your stressors so that you feel confident in how to better approach situations. When you are feeling confident, making decisions and prioritizing is much easier.

Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it – Hans Selye

Overthinking is often the cause of sleep difficulties. Instead of unwinding, we are winding up!

That is often a time when our mind begins to speak loudly about concerns for future events or unresolved situations.

Hypnosis helps you manage your sleeptime by understanding the cause of your concerns, then rerouting your coping skills into a more functional hierarchy so that you can accomplish what you need to take care of.

Hypnosis also facilitates your understanding of exactly what is making it difficult to either go to sleep or remain sleeping (or both) so that you look forward to resting your mind and body.

Hypnosis helps you improve your sleep!

At the end of the day, sleep is a barometer of your emotional health. And so if you’re not in the right place where you need to be, then you’re going to have voices keeping you up at night because you have to work through those issues – Mehmet Oz

Conflict, poor communication, lack of trust, abuse, controlling partner, infidelities, addictions, not free to be yourself?

All of these conditions may represent patterns that you’ve encountered before. Why is the pattern being repeated?

Hypnosis highlights the source of repetitive patterns so that you understand why you are re-experiencing these patterns.

Hypnosis helps you to break free of the limiting beliefs that are causing pattern repetition so you can create better quality of life experiences.

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships – Stephen Covey

Many people are quite sensitive to feedback, much less criticism. This can inhibit an individual from engaging in life the way that they want.

A fear of being judged or not feeling good enough is often the root cause.

Many people self-isolate or reduce social engagement in order to feel more protected against perceived threats.

Hypnosis identifies these situations and neutralizes much of the emotional “punch”. This provides you with a sense of feeling lighter, freer and more capable of engagement.

If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system – Kris Carr

Feeling stuck is often the result of unconscious beliefs that make us feel unsafe. Fear is generally the root cause of being stuck and sometimes, there is secondary gain from remaining stagnant, such as feeling safe or not having to confront a challenging situation.

It could even be family beliefs that one has picked up unconsciously during childhood.

Hypnosis reveals the root cause of these issues and helps you get going again!

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong – N. R. Narayana Murthy

We all carry remnants and imprints from earlier experiences. Not all of these experiences have been properly integrated into our psyche so they show up as conditions or patterns in our current life.

Using hypnosis, we explore the past life(s) and sometimes, the between life situations, in order to bring clarity and relief into your present lifetime.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it – George Santayana

Some amount of worry is a normal response to life challenges, but the kind of worry that keeps you up at night, degrades your health and keeps your mind spinning is called rumination. This analysis-paralysis causes changes in our blood chemistry as adrenaline and cortisol are released.

Worrying without end creates actual neural pathways in our brain that tells us to continue worrying.

In order to redirect your brain into a new pattern, as soon as you detect that you are running your worry program, intervene by holding up your hand and saying “STOP”. Push the thought away from you as if it was an actual object, then say something positive in its place.

We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing… We don’t allow our bodies to heal, and we don’t allow our minds and hearts to heal – Thich Nhat Hanh

The problem with overthinking is that there is no problem resolution, only rinse & repeat.

Often, our thoughts are related to painful memories of people, places, objects, etc.

The intellect cannot solve the problem because the intellect only manages.

The issue lies in how we perceive the painful events and experience.

Hypnotherapy restores the accuracy of perception at the root no matter when the event or experience happened.

When perception is aligned with reality, your emotions will shift and you will feel differently.

This causes your behavior to shift and allows you to engage in desired actions rather than unwanted behavior.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them – Albert Einstein

All beings can relate to loss. When loss occurs early in life, through death, separation, work schedules or divorce, a child can feel devastated or abandoned. This feeling of abandonment or separation anxiety can manifest throughout life unless it is resolved. We all react to loss differently, but those feelings of fear or insecurity can produce numerous unwanted habits such as smoking, drinking, overeating, relationship dependency, need to be the center of attention, etc.

“Dear Stomach, you are not hungry, but rather sad or bored or anxious…so STOP bothering me!” – Anonymous

Unwanted symptoms or conditions develop when we distract ourselves from uncomfortable feelings

Ready to feel better?

Hypnotherapy eliminates problems because it resolves the cause, which is often caused by a distorted belief or misperception.

It neutralizes the distortions at their root in the subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy restores your natural ability to manage feelings and it works quickly and effectively!